Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens

HGV – Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis

P.Ryl. II 68 TM Nr. 5286

Petition to the Epistates

Hermopolis 89 v.Chr., 31. Okt.
Material Papyrus
(nach BL-Konkordanz)
IX, S. 227; XII, S. 168 BL online
  • Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement (2013), S. 219
Inhalt Eingabe an den Epistates phylakiton wegen Körperverletzung
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[  ̣]  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]να  ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
[ἐ]πιστά[τηι φ]υλακι̣[τῶν]
παρὰ Τερεῦ̣τος τῆς [  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
[Ἑρ]μοπολίτιδος. τοῦ κ̣[ϛ(?) (ἔτους)]
5ἀπαντησας(*) μοι Τετ[εαρ-]
[μ]ᾶις Θοτνάχθιος Ἑ̣[ρμοπολί-]
τ̣ι̣δος(*) ἐπὶ τοῦ δρ[όμου τοῦ]
Ἑρμοῦ κατὰ τὸ ἐν̣τ̣[αῦθα(?) δικα-]
σ̣τ̣ή̣ρ̣ι̣ο̣ν̣ κα̣[ὶ ἐμπεσοῦσα]
10ἐξ ἀντιλο[γ]ίας ἔ̣[πληξέν]
με ταῖς αὐτῆς χερσὶν [πλη-]
γαῖς πλεί[στα]ις εἰς τυχὸν
τοῦ σώμα[τό]ς μου ἐγ(*) γαστρ[ὶ]
ἐχουσαν(*) π[ε]\ν/τάμηνον, ὥ̣[στε]
15διὰ τὰς πληγὰς ἀρρωστη̣σ̣α̣-
σα(*) κατακεῖσαι(*) κινδυνεύο̣υ̣-
σα(*) τῶι βίωι. προσαγγέλλω
ὅπως ἀναχθεῖσα ἡ Τετε-
αρμαῖς ἀσφαλισθῆι μ̣έ̣χ̣ρ̣ι̣
20τοῦ ἐπιγνωσθῆναι τὰ κα̣[τʼ] ἐμ̣[ὲ]
ἐν ταῖς διηγορευμέναις
ἡμέραις, ἵ̣ν̣ʼ, ἐὰν μέν τ̣ι̣
πάθω, δ[ια]ληφθῆι π[ερὶ]
αὐτῆς κα[τ]ὰ τὰ περὶ [τούτων]
25προστεταγ[μένα], ἐὰν δὲ
περιγένωμαι, λάβω παρʼ αὐ-
τῆς τὸ δίκαιον ὡς καθήκει.
(ἔτους) κ̣ϛ, Φαῶφι ιη.
Übersetzungen aus dem HGV

English translation


1  To . . . chief of the guards, from Tereus daughter of . . ., inhabitant of Hermopolis. In the 26th year Teteharmaïs daughter of Theotnachthis, inhabitant of Hermopolis, met me in the square of Hermes by the court there, and attacking me in consequence of a dispute gave me many blows with her hands on every part of my body, and it was the fifth month that I was with child. The blows caused me to be laid up with sickness and my life is endangered. I inform you in order that Teteharmais be brought up and secured until my case be ascertained in the appointed period, so that if anything happens to me, she may be treated according to the enactments concerning such conduct, and if I survive, I may obtain satisfaction from her as is right. Farewell. The 26th year, Phaophi 18.