Vgl. ZPE 82, 1990, S. 132. Vgl. BASP 40, 2003, S. 201-211. Rückseite (unveröffentlicht): Aufstellungen über Geldbeträge von der Hand des Pakysis.
Übersetzungen verbergenanzeigen
Erman - Krebs, Aus den Papyrus der königlichen Museen (1899), S. 134-135.
J. Whitehorne, BASP 40, 2003, S. 203-204
Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt (2013), S. 131 (Z. 14-25)
Eingabe, Aurelius Pakysis an den Strategen Aurelius Didymos, Diebstahl von Getreide durch ein Loch im Boden, während der Petent in Alexandria war, die Diebe erfüllen das Versprechen nicht, das Getreide zurückzugeben
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1 To Aurelios Didymos strategus of the merides of Themistos and Polemon of the Arsinoite
from Aurelios Pakysis son of Tesenouphis, priest and stolistes of the temple of the
first rank of the village of Soknopaiou Nesos of the meris of Herakleides. 4 I possess a place in the house of the wife of my son Aurelios Tesenouphis in the
hamlet of Pisaïs in the meris of Themistos in which I keep in storage foodstuffs for
our daily use. 8 Just lately my relatives went into the place because I myself was away in Alexandria
and it was discovered that the foodstuffs had been pilfered. 11 The cause of the theft, as was clear, was that the crime had been committed when
the place, which is on the upper floor, had been holed through the floor. 14 When those who are living there were proved to have done this through malice aforethought,
they undertook in the presence of both the archephodos of the village and others to
give me seven artabas of grain against the amount of the theft. 19 But since they have agreed to the undertaking but up until now have not complied
with the restitution, of necessity I am making submission of a petition which I request
be placed on record, so that my rights be secured for me against the accused, Panouphis
son of Stotoetis and Pakysis son of Kanneis. Farewell. 26 (2nd hand) I, Aureliou (sic) Pakysis, have submitted the petition. 27 (1st hand) Year 24 of Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Parthicus Maximus Britannicus
Maximus Germanicus Maximus Pius Augustus, Pharmouthi 12. (Translation with minor modifications: J. Whitehorne, BASP 40 (2003), 203-204)