Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens

HGV – Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis

Datensatz 1 von 1 Suchtreffern (Gesamt: 63012)

BGU I 12 TM Nr. 8896

Titel: keiner

Arsinoites nach 181, 14. Okt.
Andere Publikationen W.Chr. 389
Material Papyrus
(nach BL-Konkordanz)
BL online
Bemerkungen Vgl. Kruse, Der Königliche Schreiber, S. 320-322.
  • Johnson, Roman Egypt (1936), S. 23, Nr. 8
Inhalt Bericht, Inspektion von Dämmen und Gräben (Bewässerung)
Erwähnte Daten
  • Z. 30: 14. Juli 181
Texte der DDbDP papyri.info Infofenster für digitale Inhalte wieder einblenden
[- ca.10 -]  ̣ν[- ca.14 -]
[- ca.14 -]  ̣ εἰς τ[ὸ] ἐνεστὸς κβ (ἔτος) [τοῦ κυρίου]
[ἡμῶ]ν Αὐτοκράτορος Κομμόδου Ἀντωνίνου [τῆς τοῦ]
ἱερωτάτου Νείλου ἐπʼ ἀγαθῷ ἀναβάσεως Θ[εμίστου]
5μερίδος. ἡ γενομένη ὑπό τε ἐμοῦ κα[ὶ Δημη-]
τ̣ρ̣ί̣ο̣υ̣ στρ(ατηγήσαντος) τῶν μερίδων, ἡνίκα πρὸς τῇ στρα[τηγίᾳ ἦν,]
καὶ Ἱερακαπόλλωνος τοῦ νυνὶ ὄντος στρατηγ[οῦ τῶν]
αὐτῶν μερίδων καὶ Ἀσκληπείνου βασ[ιλικοῦ]
γραμματέως Θεμίστου μερίδος ἀκολούθ[ως τοῖς]
10ἐπιδοθεῖ[σι] ὑπὸ τῶν ἑκάστου τόπου κατασ[πορέων]
ὄντων κα[ὶ] χωματεπιμελητῶν πρὸς ἐπίσ[κεψιν]
λόγοις καὶ τοῖς περὶ τῆς προθεσμίας αὐ[τῆς γρα-]
φεῖσι ὑπὸ Φλαουίου Π̣είσ[ωνος τοῦ] ἡγεμ[ονεύσαν-]
[τος   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]μ̣[- ca.9 -] θ Πετρωνίῳ τῷ π[ρὸ ἐμοῦ]
15[  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣ένῳ ἐπι[μελη]τῇ, διʼ ὧν ἠθέλησε τ̣[ῶν ἐπι-]
λ̣ο̣ί̣π̣ω̣ν̣ ἔργω[ν τῶ]ν τε χωμάτων καὶ τ[ῶν διωρύ(χων)]
τὴν ἐπίσκ(εψιν) αὐτὸν ποιήσασθαι σὺν τοῖς στρατηγ[οῖς καὶ βασ(ιλικοῖς)]
γρα(μματεῦσι), ὡς ἐὰν ἕκαστα συντελ(εσθῇ) κατὰ τὸ τοῦ νο(μοῦ) ἰδίωμα, ὧν̣ τὰ λο̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
διʼ ἐκτάκτου παρε\τέ/θη ὑπὸ κατασπορέω(ν) πρὸς τὰ ὑπʼ ἐμοῦ ἐ  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
20περὶ τῶν ἐπιδοθέντων ὑπʼ αὐτῶν λ̣όγ̣ω̣ν̣   ̣  ̣  ̣υ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[ -ca.?- ]
οἷς ἀναγκαίως κατακ[ολ]ουθήσαντες τὴν ἐπίσ[κεψιν ἐποι-]
ησάμεθα ἐπακολουθ[ού]ντων αὐτῶν τε [- ca.10 -]
τοῦ καὶ Πτολεμαί[ου γεν]ομένου αἰγια[λοφύλ(ακος), ἡ-]
νίκα πρὸς τῇ τάξ[ει ἦν, κ]αὶ τοῦ νυνὶ α[ἰγιαλοφυλακοῦν-]
25τος Αὐρηλίου Ἀρείο[υ κα]ὶ αὐτῶν τῶν κατ[αδει-]
κνυόντων τὰ ἑαυτῶν ἔργα καὶ ὧν ἄλλων καθ[ῆκον ἦν],
[γ]εωμετροῦντος καὶ ξυλομετροῦντος Θεωδώρ[ου τοῦ]
Σωτηρίχου ἀπὸ νομοῦ Ἡρα[κ]λεοπ(ολίτου) γεωμέτρου, ἀρξά-
μενοι δὲ τῆς ἐπισκέψεως τῆς προκειμένης μερίδ(ος)
30τῇ κ τ[ο]ῦ Ἐπεὶφ τοῦ διεληλυθότος κα (ἔτους) ἐλήξα-
μεν ἐξ̣(*) διαλιμμάτων(*) τῇ ιζ τοῦ Φα[ῶ]φι
[μηνὸς τοῦ] ἐνεστῶτος κβ (ἔτους), ἧς αἱ ἡμερήσιαι
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣] ὑπηρέτῃ καὶ
[- ca.23 -]
35[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ βιβλιο]φ[υ]λάκιον ὡς ἐκελεύσθη
[- ca.16 -]  ̣  ̣ωμεν τ̣ῷ κα (ἔτει)
[- ca.13 - Ἐπεὶ]φ κ διορυχ(*) Παχω
[- ca.16 -] ιγ διορυχ(*) Φι  ̣[  ̣]  ̣
Übersetzungen aus dem HGV

English translation

2 (Inspection) of the rising of the most sacred Nile in the division of Themistes for the current 22nd year of our Lord Imperator Commodus Antoninus. 5 The inspection was made by me in conjunction with Demetrios when he was strategus of the divisions, and Hierakapollon, the present strategus, and Asclepinos, the royal scribe of the division of Themistes, 9 in accordance with the records of the inspectors of sowing in each district and of the overseers of embankments, and within the limits prescribed by the former prefect Flavius Piso, to Petronius, my predecessor as inspector, 15 whereby he desired him in company with the strategi and royal scribes to make the inspection of the work remaining to be done( ?) on embankments and canals; so that if each task was completed according to the norm of the nome —— in a special record there should be a comparison of the records given by the inspectors of sowing with that of my inspection —,
21 in accordance with which we have made the survey with the concurrence of the inspectors of sowing and x also called Ptolemaios, former shore-warden, and Aurelios Areios, present shore-warden. 25 They themselves pointed out their own work and that of others wherever necessary. Theodoros, son of Soterichos, surveyor of the Heracleopolite nome, acted as surveyor and measures. 28 Beginning the inspection of the above division on Epiph 20 in the past 21st year, we completed it on the 17th of Phaophi in the current 22nd year with intervals. The number of days —— (Translation with minor modifications: A.C. Johnson, Roman Egypt to the reign of Diocletian, Nr. 8 p. 23)