1 [To N.N.] alias Hipparchus, archidicastes and [superintendent of the chrematistae and] the other courts, [from] Aurelius Horigenes, soldier of the legio [II Traiana Germanica] Antoniniana fortis in the century of Aurelius Ma–, [and from Iulius Eutyches …] Aurelius Protarchus …
Areius … 7 Iulius Eutyches, through his co-guarantor [Aurelius Protarchus, agrees that he has
sold to Aurelius] Horigenes the female slave called Ken– … Paphlagonian [by birth],
imported by sea, [without warranty and being free from epilepsy and] leprosy, for
the price of n drachmas of silver, [which] Iulius Eutyches has received from [Aurelius Horigenes,
so that from now on] Aurelius Horigenes, having taken delivery of [the slave Ken–
and having performed(?)] the examination [in accordance with] what has been ordained
[and having paid for her] the tax due on slaves, possesses [and owns] her [and has
the right to sell her to others] and to deploy her and to make use [of her as he pleases
without hindrance], the guarantee resting upon [the seller Iulius Eutyches] himself
[and his] guarantor Aurelius Protarchus … [Anyone who proceeds (against Aurelius Horigenes)]
in any way whatsoever [or makes a claim] on account of the slave or a part of her,
they (agree) to repel [at once at their own expense] or else forfeit on mutual guarantee
[to the buyer the principal of the price plus one-half together with the] damages
[and expenses, as if in consequence of a legal decision …]