1 Herakleitos to Dorion, greetings. Make it your priority to seek out Ptolemaios,
also known as Pasis, the man dragged out of the temple by the agents of Antipatros
and Onnophris, son of Achogres, who has made an accusation of bia (against them).
Stand him before us so that he may be sent to Philon, archiphylakitês, and the appropriate
examination of the aforementioned events may take place. And concerning Antipatros,
son of Peritas, 100-aroura man, and Seuthes, son of Nikeratos, we have sent (them)
to Philon so that he may make explanation to Ptolemaios the stratêgos and via him
they may be brought up. Farewell. Year 13, Hathyr.... (J. Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement,